A lot has changed since my last entry. The busy season is behind me, I left town, and I'm now writing from my brother's pub in Oakridge, OR, on my shiny new Macbook (love the eerie glow behind the keys!). I'm even getting a little excited about Christmas, now that I'm past the retail portion of the holiday.
This photo of Pookles, one of the Oregon family cats, sums up my current attitude.
Merry Christmas Christi :) Say hullo to Jazlin for me!
Hi Gary from me and Jazlin, and a merry Christmas to y'all too! My folks loved the frog bowl by the way.
Did you have a wicked fun kick ass time for new years? Was the pub goin off? still no bottled beer to bring home?
also, put up a link to your blog on my blog, hope its okay blue jay
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