Alright alright, Gary gave me a few raised eyebrows yesterday evening about my lack of blog entries lately, to which I replied that basically I've just been really busy packing up card orders and such, and while that's great for business it makes for super boring blog entries. But I have something interesting to say today that should make you sit right up and listen!
Tomorrow is the last outdoor farmers' market of the season, hurrah, and that means the time for the annual International Rutabaga Curling Championship has "rolled" around again! It's the 12th Annual this year, and you can read all about it here. Basically it's like bocci ball with rutabagas, played on the bumpy floor of our market pavilion, and it's a fine example of Ithaca community street theatre. People turn out by the hundreds for this (not much else would bring them out on those cold days), wear costumes, form teams, and get pretty darned competitive vying for the title. In a fine example of nepotism, (I work for the Commisioner, Steve Sierigk of Acorn Designs), I've held onto the job of being the Rutabaga Goddess for the last several years. Registration is from 10:30-11:45, and the games begin with opening ceromonies and the arrival of the flame from Mount Cruciferae and a parade of athletes at high noon. This is tomorrow. Come on out. Wear warm clothes and don't forget toe wamers in your boots.
Word on the street is that there might be a Team Capoeira this year.
And it's the last chance to find me at market until next spring, since I'm taking off for Oregon on Monday for the holidays, and then only back briefly before my next adventure.
let's see, if I leave a message I might be called stalker but if I don't I can't say you looked really funny in the pic :)
Hold it.... Why didn't i see mention of this event of global importance in Mr Rith's blog, and how well did his team do?
With their curly rutabagas?
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