Just back last night from a few days at Forked Lake in the Adirondacks. You've heard me talk about this place before if you've been reading my blog for any length of time. It's sort of tucked in between the better-known Raquette Lake and Long Lake, only about a 4 hour drive from here, and a little bit of heaven on earth. My friend Jean Elizabeth celebrates her birthday there every year, and it happens to fall right near the summer solstice...and I will take any excuse to load up my wee canoe and head north and spend a few days cooking over a fire and being slothful and indolent in the pseudo-wilderness.
I pride myself a little bit on my campfire cooking skills. For example: cut a head of garlic in half horizontally, drizzle with olive oil, reassemble the halves, wrap securely in tin foil and roast in the coals for about 20 minutes. Mmmm-hmmm. Also for example: steaming asparagus in tin foil (add olive oil, a little water, salt and pepper, and some white wine or lemon juice if you have it). JE is a whiz with a camp stove, and she can make curries and fancy breakfast treats. We really don't rough it.
And now back to my studio, since there is ONE WEEK left before my show goes up!
Mmm... roasted garlic... *drool*
That sounds like fun.. I need to find a Forked Lake in Iowa. :)
This was the first lake that Judy and I saw a Loon.
It's also very close to Buttermilk Falls. :-) (Of course not the Ithaca Buttermilk Falls)
what a stunning photo, its good to have a place of beauty to quazi rough it.
any mosquitos?
Gary, ask my a** about the mosquitoes...and my ankles about the blackflies.
Oh but this is supposed to be comments about Christi's blog --- yes, just lovely, and thanks for the day or so of true friendship. I *heart* Forked Lake too. Little slice of heaven on earth. *sigh* My happy place. See ya again in late July.
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