Good morning sunshines. Yes, there is sunshine in Ithaca once in a while, even in Ithaca, all rumors to the contrary.
Big news of the day is that there's a new show up at the ABC Cafe! Reason I'm telling you is that I'm part of it, with two of my "blue tree" paintings. I got a preview yesterday evening when dropping my work off, and it's going to look really good (and given that I got a text from Ben at well after midnight that he and Laura were STILL hanging the show after SIX hours, it will definitely look good!). My friends Ben, Gary, Laura, Werner, Bridget, Natasha, Adam, and Jim have all contributed work, plus a few other artists whose names escape me right now. Check it out, and eat one of their famous guacamole-cheddar omelettes too! Word on the street is that there might be an opening reception on Sunday, will keep you posted.
I've noticed for the last few years that every time I look up in the winter at night, I see Orion hovering right there overhead. No matter what time of night, or what direction I'm looking. Even if there's cloud cover, he'll be looking out of the one patch of clear sky. He's not called "the hunter" for no reason.
Back here on earth, it's another reasonably busy day in the local art universe. Tonight I teach, which is always rewarding but makes me nervous beforehand. Today I must work on a small commissioned piece with a looming deadline. And if the sunshine hold out, I will walk to the Brooktondale post office to mail out some card orders.
This blog business is pretty fun. Thanks everyone who has checked in.
Hi! I love your chickens and I love your blue trees!
dont i know you?
arent you going to post an image of your new two kitties?
Thanks Canguru! And good idea on the wee kitties. (not real ones, in case anyone who's reading this thinks I'm turning into a Cat Lady, heaven forbid)
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