Next week I have a completely different project on tap...silkscreening a second round of the legendary Farmageddon t-shirts! The screen is being burned as I type (hopefully) and there's a giant pile of shirts in my kitchen awaiting printing. I sometimes burn the screens myself but the chemicals are getting old, and setting up that complicated system with the 500 watt bulb and the glass and the dark room is tricky and doesn't always work. If you want one of these shirts, let me know, there will be unisex (blue or rusty orange) and women's styles (pink or light blue) and they will be $15. Guaranteed to get comments.
(Farmageddon was a big party that my friend Thor threw on his farm a few years ago as a benefit for the local low-income CSA program. Lots of music and food, very fun time. The shirts were a big hit, and went fast, so this at long last is a second chance to get one.)
I proudly wore mine as I pulled pints this week.
OMG, the explosion and missing leg?
The farm caught my attention; but the ageddon looks adangerous -- I don't think I should be wearing one of those shirts around the field/s. LOL! :-D
Can you make another farm shirt all happy, blossoms and sunshine?
I love this shirt... get in touch with me - I'd like to get one from you :)
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