Sunday, August 16, 2009


Another busy week.  I'm enjoying a perfect summer peach for breakfast, and realizing that what will all my teenage nieces visiting and other busy family stuff, I haven't blogged in ages.  Also, the only thing I've painted lately is my toenails, and that was a while ago too.  BUT, let me tell you about all the good books I have bookmarks in right now!  I read a little every day, it's my favorite way to rewire my brain.

Bookmarks are in:

1) "The Ionian Mission" by Patrick O'Brian.  Love that guy, high seas Napoleonic wars British Navy adventures very funny, I usually have one going all the time (there are 21 of them in the series).

2) "Ahab's Wife" by Sena Jeter Naslund.  I loved this book when I first read it a few years ago, couldn't put it down, well written and involving more high seas adventure.  I'm enjoying it the second time around, but not as much....still recommend it though!

3) "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" of course...see, I saw the latest movie last week and couldn't remember why it was ok in the end for Snape to kill Dumbledore, so I have to go back and read the next (and last) book to find out.

4) "Geek Love" by Katherine Dunn.  WOW, what a book, about a family of carnival freaks and their attendant craziness.  The author must have had a very fun time writing this.  Not best for reading before sleep, because it just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

My friend Debra just handed me "Twilight" yesterday, so I guess I'll read that pop phenom once I get through a few of these.  How about you?  Let me know what you're reading, I'm always looking for new books...!


Gary's third pottery blog said...

real GEEKS!
Hey, we still have Jane Eyre for ya. The missus was happy to select some clothes, the rest comes back to you as you said. Your pieces are drying, eady to be glazed late this week I think... :)

Mark Reep said...

Hey Christi, nice to meet you briefly at the Farmer's Market Saturday- We were the hot frazzled couple at closing time; next time we'll make it up earlier, and maybe think to introduce ourselves properly :)
Added your blog to my links list; all the best!

Anonymous said...

hi chrisi, saw you over on gary's blog again flirting with your second career. interesting set of books. it says in your profile that you're a mountainbiker, are you a runner. well, even if you're not, "born to run" by christopher mc... dougall (i think that's the last name), is an absolute must read. i have a short list of books that i think everyone should read and this is the last one to make it. if you're a runner, it will rock your world and turn it upside down.

Anonymous said...

hi christi, i happened to see this online today and it was such a coincidence that i thought i'd come back here and put this address here...