So I got home from market (and Ben's cool ceramic show reception) yesterday afternoon just before the windstorm hit. After a few hours of watching the pine trees whip wildly around and listening to the clanging of the newly-loose metal flashing on my neighbor's roof, I checked the weather online, saw the S-word, and decided that a Sunday market early in the season with high winds and SNOW were really not where it's at. I am skipping today, and very pleased about that. My paper products and framed artwork don't take kindly to being blown about, and I personally am done with being cold for the season.
Plus I was out late last night at the Second Chance Prom, wearing my original fabulous turquoise prom dress from 1989. My mom made it (happy mother's day, MOM!!! I know you're reading and will mention it later!) and I'm proud to say that it still fits. I'm also proud of all the 80's songs I can still sing along to. It was a lot more fun than my actual prom...
A day off from market also means I can continue working on the huge fun secret project I've been working on all week, the one with the looming deadline! I can't show you anything yet really, until the company I'm working for releases their product line. But I think a little teaser would be alright, a cropped fragment of a larger painting.
thanks for coming to the show yo! heck with the market today
I might, just maybe be abe to fight one thigh into my prom dress also from that fab fashion year 1989, but I destryed the evidence years ago, scavenging fabric for a christening gown. I think a second chance prom is a great idea!
yes, Christi, the weather is a bit stinko eh wot?
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