Today I took a break from the current endless slog of freelance work (it's been a run of projects lately that have NOT been flowing) and headed over to Gary's studio to play with clay. I haven't thrown anything on the wheel for a few years, and it was wonderfully calming and therapeutic...dare I say centering, harharhar...I think the bowls turned out alright. Tomorrow I'll learn how to trim them.
You can read all about it, more photos included, on
Gary's entertaining and inspiring blog, and check out his pottery too! (remember that monster mug?) He was making something really fun with elephants having tea-for-two while I was there. And I got cookies!!!! It's great having artist pals.
Side note: it always amuses me to use the phrase "throw some pots."
your bowls turned out better than alright and thanks for all the cards and the PRINT!!!!!!!!!!
hi christi, got here from gary's blog... i like your tree paintings below and wondered when you planned to convert to pottery... i noticed to beer blogs listed, do you brew beer too?
Hi jim, thanks! No plans to start a pottery branch of my business, but it's awfully fun to be back in some clay. The beer stuff is my brother in Oregon, and my pal Dave in England!
C: posted you PLUS a shot of me and the 'stache....1996...
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