I'm starting the countdown until the Ithaca Farmers' Market opens on April 4th. One of the ramifications of this is that I have one more free Saturday until next Christmas. I am definitely in a business where I work when others are playing...but that's ok, because there are definitely worse ways to make a living than hanging out with cool farmers and other independent artisan types at a fantastic waterfront market, eating great food, while selling my own work and meeting lovely customers. Another ramification of the market starting up again is that I will have regular income again, a good thing having just spent all week tallying up what I owe to The Man in his various federal and state disguises.
So I've started getting my act together to be ready for opening day. Here are three of my new card designs for this season! They are extracted from the desktop calendar I made for 2009 (The ones that are left will be on big sale at my market booth next week! Get 'em while they last!). If you are able to stop by the market (i.e. if you're in Oregon), these and my other 50+ notecard designs, can be ordered online at my website: www.christisobel.com.
Perhaps you will recognize the koi from a recent post. I took some inspiration from these wee paintings for some of the large new paintings up at Korova. The farm field will also look familiar when you go to the show.
OH! Fabulous fish Christi!!!!
That's your dream tattoo fish again!
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