Not much activity on this blog this week, simply because there's not much activity in general. I have been enjoying a few days of solid uninterrupted vacation. Same root as vacate, vacant, vacuole, vacuum. Empty, but in a good way. The airplane flu has dissolved to a minor discomfort. The sun is shining, the house is quiet, I've read three books, sipped countless cups of tea, hung out at the pub, and taken some nice walks.
I played Mad Libs with my eldest niece over the weekend, and we are still laughing over the sentence, "This apelike creature has weasels growing sneakily all over its house plant."
This is the view from my brother's porch this morning.
YOUR BROTHER LIVES THERE??????????? Holy sh!t.
I am thinking about copying the pics of you at the beach and this porch and pretending on my blog that I AM on vacation.
I remember that view, rates as one of my best Christmas views.
Is there still snow?
We had a good dump over the weekend. There was apparently a foot or so of new powder on Saturday and Sunday. You can see quite a bit of stuff from the porch. Unfortunately it was an unusually quiet weekend at the pub.
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